What to look for when choosing a standby generator for your home

Published: July 14, 2022
Standby generators can provide great peace of mind to keep the power running for your household in an emergency or power failure. Discover the main things to consider when purchasing your standby generator to meet your needs.
Standby Generator for Home Use

Many homeowners are unaware of the benefits of having a standby generator, and what situations call for one. A standby generator is a great investment for those who want peace of mind during an emergency or natural disaster. They provide backup power to your home in the event of a power outage, and can run for days or even weeks if necessary. Standby generators can be used to power your home’s essential appliances and systems, keeping your family safe and comfortable during an extended power outage.

With power outages becoming more common across the nation, one of the most important items to have prepared and working is a quality standby generator. During long power outages, it is crucial to have a standby generator at the ready to power essential devices.

Prepare for Power Outage

What is a standby generator and what are its benefits

What is a Standby Generator

A standby generator is a type of backup generator that is permanently installed and connected to your home’s electrical`system. It automatically starts up when there is a power outage, providing power to your home’s essential appliances and systems. Standby generators offer several benefits over other types of backup generators, including:

1. They are permanently installed and ready to use – no need to set up or refuel a portable generator during an emergency.

2. They provide power to your entire home – not just a few selected appliances like a portable generator.

3. They run on your home’s existing natural gas or propane supply – no need to worry about storing fuel for a long-term power outage.

4. They are much quieter than portable generators due to the inbuilt sound deadening.

5. They offer peace of mind – knowing that your home and family will be safe and comfortable in the event of a power outage.

6. They are enclosed – enclosures provide protection from the elements allowing operation during the rain.

Reasons why you might need a standby generator

1. Adverse weather events – In the past decade, the U.S. has experienced an increase in natural disasters that have led to widespread power outages. In the United States, thunderstorms are the most common cause of power outages. Hurricane Sandy in 2012 left millions of people without power for weeks. Some areas of the country are known for the frequency of weather events that impact households.

2. Working and schooling from home places additional loads on families – For many people during Covid, the home has become the workplace and school room. Two years on, and things still have not returned to “normal” for many areas. Having sources of power to keep going during adverse conditions will help to keep things functioning as normally as possible.

3. Aging Power Grids Not Holding Up in Adverse Weather – Power grids are aging and may not be suited to the weather conditions they are being exposed to. In Feburary 2021 the failure of the Texan power grid highlighted the risk which saw 11 million people without electricity for 3 days which lead to the deaths of 700 people.

4. Risk of cybersecurity attack to the power grids – As the power grids have become more digitalised and connected particularly with a range of smart city initiatives, it creates a greater risk that power grids will be the target of a cybersecurity attack. Although such an attack could have an impact to all power within an area, having a backup generator will create peace of mind and security.

5. Supply chain issues – We’ve seen a significant impact on the supply chain across 2021 and 2022 which has put significant pressure on prices. This is reflected by increasing inflation rates across the board. More people are prepping by stockpiling food and other items to reduce the risk that they won’t be able to buy or be able to afford what they want when they need it. Stockpiling food in fridges and freezers creates a greater risk that large quantities of products will be spoiled and lost if the power is lost.

How to choose the right standby generator for your home

1. The size of the generator – choose a generator that is large enough to power your home’s essential appliances and systems. View our generator calculator to find the perfect one for you.

2. The type of fuel – most standby generators run on either natural gas or propane. Choose the fuel type that is best for your home and budget.

3. The warranty – choose a generator that comes with a good warranty, so you can be sure it will be there if you need it.

4. The price – standby generators can range in price from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. Choose the generator that fits your budget and needs.

How much does a standby generator cost?

How much does a standby generator cost

Standby generators can be expensive and typically cost upwards of $4,000. The cost of a standby generator will vary depending on the size and type of generator you choose. The most important factor to consider when choosing a generator is how much power you need it to generate. Standby generators are measured in watts (W), and you’ll need to determine the wattage of the appliances and systems you want to run during a power outage. A typical home needs about 5,000 watts of power to run essential appliances and systems but with our generator calculator, we’ve made it easy for you to figure out exactly what you need.

When choosing a standby generator, it’s important to consider the features you need and want. Some generators come with features like automatic start, which allows the generator to start automatically when the power goes out. A quality of life feature on some standby generators is remote monitoring allowing for global observation of what the generator is doing. Some generators come with an automatic exercise cycle to prevent any mechanical components from seizing up.

Once you’ve determined how much power you need, you can start looking for generators. There are many different types and sizes of generators on the market, so it’s important to read our reviews related to standby generators.

How to finance a standby generator purchase

There are many ways to finance one. You can get a personal loan, home equity loan, or line of credit to pay for your generator. There are also many companies that offer payment plans, so you can spread the cost out over time.

What to do if your standby generator fails

If your standby generator fails, there are a few things you can do to troubleshoot and hopefully get it running again. The first step is to check the fuel. For propane or natural gas generators check for sufficient flow or ensure the gas tank is full of gasoline or diesel. If the fuel level is okay, check the engine oil level. The engine should have enough oil, and it should be at the correct level. If the oil level is low, add more oil and try starting the generator again. If the generator still won’t start, check the spark plugs. Make sure the plugs are clean and in good condition. You may need to replace them if they are damaged or worn out. Finally, check the air filter. If the filter is dirty, it can prevent the engine from starting. Clean or replace the filter and try starting the generator again. If none of these troubleshooting tips work check the user manual or call a professional for help.

Final Thoughts

A standby generator can provide peace of mind during an emergency or natural disaster by providing backup power to your home. They are a great investment for those who want to be prepared for the unexpected. When choosing a standby generator, it’s important to consider the size and features you need. Once you have a generator, it’s important to properly maintain it in order to ensure that it will be ready to use when you need it.

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